Monday, June 18, 2012


The cab driver hovers his hand over the horn
waiting to bark on impulse,
and like a spoon bends against its façade of sterling strength
I change form a little, breaking at the joints,
anxious to the anticipation.

That nauseating twist of knowing you’re alive
pre-determined guilt sifting through blood, guised as growing pains, elementary sanctions, the realization that you have power to affect
while the mind grows and dies in a simultaneous pulse.

I’m sitting on the edge of a chair that’s about to lose its legs
teeter—and clench—teeter—clench—with the bite of a cheek
hands involuntarily form fists in preparation
waiting for the fucking shoe to drop could expire me

So like the galaxy abound
Let me explode.
Then exist as tiny gas mounds reflected off the moon
illuminating the bittersweet,
bright tomb. 

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